Bayab Classic Dry Gin 750ml.
Bayab Classic Dry Gin is a true classic with a bold African twist. Handcrafted and distilled in traditional copper stills, this gin is produced in the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. With a unique combination of botanicals such as Zambian baobab, juniper berries, coriander, rosemary, cinnamon, and coarse salt, this gin delivers a bold burst of fresh African citrus that delights the tastebuds.
This magnificent dry gin uses only the purest water and locally-sourced botanicals to create a refreshing and subtly sweet African citrus flavor. The baobab fruit, a botanical plucked from the tree of life, is the heart of this gin, bringing its refreshingly sweet citrus flavor to life.
Bayab Classic Dry Gin is made with a blend of juniper, coriander, rosemary, grapefruit peel, orange peel, cardamom and baobab fruit, all carefully selected to deliver the perfect balance of flavors. With a 43% ABV, this gin is perfect for those who appreciate a classic gin with an exotic twist. Enjoy it neat, with tonic or in your favorite cocktail. Bayab Classic Dry Gin is simply like no other.
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